Friday, August 28, 2020
Muhammad Ali Essay -- Sports American History
Muhammad Ali1 Muhammad Ali is one of the most perceived countenances on planet Earth; known not only for being probably the best contender throughout the entire existence of boxing, however for being one of the most learned people of the twentieth century. Ali wasn't constantly known by that name however, he was conceived Cassius Marcellus Clay on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, him and his more youthful sibling Rudolph had numerous little clashes like any siblings would have, yet they were, and still are honored with having an exceptionally cozy relationship (Hauser, 2). Twelve-year-old Cassius was gone on to boxing after his fresh out of the box new bicycle was taken at a yearly Black reasonable called The Louisville Home Show (Jet). Joe Martin, a police officer who showed small children how to box, was in a storm cellar by the reasonable and after Cassius whined to him that he was going to â€Å"whup the individual who took his valued red-and-white Schwinn†(Jet). Official Martin chose to push the disappointed youth towards boxing. A month and a half later Cassius would win a three-minute, three-round split choice in his absolute first match (Hauser 7). Dirt turned out to be increasingly dedicated to boxing, battling 108 beginner sessions, winning six Kentucky Golden Gloves Championships, two National Golden Gloves competitions, and two National AAU titles (Ebony). At that point the 1960 Rome Olympics came; a reluctant Cassius was hesitant to go over yonder in a plane, however he in the end surrendered and went, coming back to America as a gold award victor. Mud at that point came out with his absolute initially distributed sonnet. Subsequent to winning the gold decoration in the 1960 Rome Olympics, eighteen-year-old Cassius Clay was prepared to turn star. He despite everything kept Fred Stoner, the man who prepared him as a novice as coach, yet after his first win against an overmatched dad... ...what's more, his adversary was Trevor Berbick. Ali entered the ring for the last time on December 11, 1981 (Jet). The session began two hours late, there were just two sets of gloves for the whole under card, and a cowbell was utilized for the ring ringer. From the beginning, the real battle was a drag, with Ali looking drowsy while his average adversary demonstrated little aptitude. At the point when everything was finished, the appointed authorities scored the session in support of Berbick (Hauser,77). The following morning, Ali at long last reported that he was leaving the boxing ring for good. Works Cited Hauser, Thomas. Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times. New York, NY, Minor Books, 1991 Tyers, Kathy. Muhammad Ali: The Greatest. San Mateo, Ca, IDG Books World Inc.1995 Muhammad Ali Definition of a champ Fly Magazine Black Magazine
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Anti Terrorism Legislation May Infringe Human Rights
Against Terrorism Legislation May Infringe Human Rights Disclaimer: This work has been put together by an understudy. This isn't a case of the work delivered by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can see tests of our expert work here . Hostile to Terrorism Legislation May Infringe Human Right UK Anti-fear based oppression enactment of the previous decade has been an enthusiastically discussed theme both inside the media and the governing body itself. On one hand, it is contended that any country ought to for sure include the capacity to forestall any fear based oppressor outrage did against its kin regardless of whether it is at the expense of human rights encroachment. Then again, an assessment on common freedoms has regularly been esteemed a monstrosity inside its own privileges and the ongoing convergence of enactment has done nothing other than help with the advancement of worldwide terrorism.â [ 1 ]  That the horrendous occasions of September eleventh 2001 changed the essence of Terrorism isn't at all in question. It was the finish of the psychological warfare the world once knew as guerrilla brutality for political increase. The viciousness controlled on the New York high rises was a remarkable demonstra tion which provoked a phenomenal response. Enactment corresponding to fear based oppression in the UK was energetically discussed and following the seventh July 2005 it was acknowledged that the UK were not insusceptible to assault in this way encouraging the new enactment into position. In spite of the fact that enemy of psychological oppressor enactment has since quite a while ago existed in the UK and, a lot of which, has been consolidated inside the ongoing turns of events, numerous new offenses have additionally risen making a move in a critical position of intensity between people in general and those powers liable for controlling the new enactment. Normally there has been a critical increment corresponding to the extent of police powers. Besides, the ‘Intelligence Communities’â [ 2 ]  have likewise promoted in the force move, particularly corresponding to secret knowledge gathering. To wander further into the impacts of the ongoing improvements to the enactme nt, it is critical to dissect the present system. A characteristic purpose of center would be the meaning of psychological militant movement. Area 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000 blueprints fear monger movement as: â€Å"the use or danger of activity where, the activity includes genuine savagery against an individual, genuine harm to property, jeopardizes a person’s life or makes a genuine hazard to the wellbeing or security of the public.† The â€Å"use or threat†must be â€Å"designed to impact the legislature or to threaten the public†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â [ 3 ]  Section 2 of a similar Act traces a psychological oppressor guilty party is somebody who: â€Å"is or has been worried in the commission, readiness or affectation of terrorism†â [ 4 ]  Since the substance of dread has changed to cell based systems, certain associations are recorded under the 2000 Actâ [ 5 ]  as psychological oppressor association, an ongoing expansion to which has bee n Al-Qaeeda. An ongoing improvement rising up out of the new enactment is the offense of associations ‘glorifying’ psychological warfare being added to the rundown under s. 21 Terrorism Act 2006. This isn't an issue of whether such an arrangement is an interruption on human rights; free discourse specifically, as it clearly is yet rather to what degree is such tax assessment legitimate. Joining or revitalizing help of such banished bunches is additionally a culpable offense under s. 12(1) of the 2006 Act. Organizing meeting and to address meeting of prohibited gatherings is additionally culpable under ss. 12(2) and 12(3) individually. In any event, dress worn in a way that may raise doubt that the wearer is an individual from a restricted gathering may gain a most extreme punishment of a half year detainment according to s.13 of the 2006 Act.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Essay Example
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Paper Presentation As an archipelago. the Philippines is encircled with H2O. It positions fourth with the longest coastline known to mankind mensurating 36. 289 kilometer ( 22. 559 detail mis ) while its H2O nation covers 1. 830 sq kilometer ( The World Factbook ) . The country’s H2O assets have played a significant capacity in its turn of events. Be that as it may. some advancement endeavors. joined with the lifting requests of the ever-expanding populace. have made mischief these H2O assets. Accordingly. a law was marked to â€Å"pursue an arrangement of financial developing in a mode predictable with the insurance. sparing and resurgence of the nature of our new. harsh and marine waters†( Section 2 ) . Republic Act ( R. A. ) No. 9275 titled â€Å"An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Water Quality Management and for Other Purposes†. other than known as the Filipino Clean Water Act of 2004 ( CWA ) . was marked by previous President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on March 22. 2004. It f aced result on May 6. 2004. with its Implementing Rules and Regulation ( IRR ) contained in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR ) Administrative Order ( A. O. ) No. 2005-10. We will compose a custom paper test on The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Inclusion The law applies to H2O quality bearing in all H2O natural structures. It mostly applies to the suspension and control of contamination from land-based beginnings. The H2O quality models and statutes and the common risk and punitive commissariats under the law will be implemented regardless of beginnings of contamination ( Section 3 ) . In add-on to balancing contamination of H2O natural structures. DENR will elucidate and utilize rules for the movement and removal of wastewater. sewerage and septage offsite. regardless of whether seaward or ashore every piece great as removal of single gushing ashore. The Department of Agriculture ( DA ) will create rules for re-utilization of gushing for water system purposes or as earth conditioner or manure ( Rule 3. 1 ) . Institutional system The Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR ) . as the essential department liable for the execution of the CWA. will start to lead the pack in the preparing. execution. what's more, authorization of the supporters ( Rule 19 ) : National H2O quality position study †this examination will put ( a ) the area of H2O natural structures. their quality. taking into history occasional. tidal and different variances. bing and potential usages and beginnings of contamination per explicit toxin and contamination trouble evaluation ; ( B ) H2O quality course nations. also, H2O arrangement ( Rule 19. 1 ) . Coordinated Water Quality Management Framework ( IWQMF ) †this may join. in any case, non restricted to the supporters: ( a ) examination of approaches and institutional understandings and limits pertinent to H2O quality bearing including the plan of degeneration to LGUs ; ( B ) course plots ; ( degree Celsius ) economical subsidizing plans ; and ( nutrient D ) open int roduction observing ( Rule 19. 2 ) . Water Quality Management Area ( WQMA ) Action Plan for each WQMA †incorporates. in any case, non restricted to. the undermentioned: ( a ) finishes and checks including sewage or septage plan. ( B ) motivation of adjustment to run into the appropriate requests of this Act ; ( degree Celsius ) H2O contamination control systems or procedures ; ( nutrient D ) H2O quality data and guidance plan ; e ) asset request and potential beginnings ; degree Fahrenheits ) authorization processs of the program and ( g ) wagess and incitements ( Rule 19. 3 ) Groundwater presentation mapping-the DENR through the Mines and Geosciences Bureau ( MGB ) will print a national groundwater introduction map ( guideline 19. 4 ) . which implies the distinguished nations of the land surface where groundwater quality is most at danger from human exercises and will mirror the various evaluations of groundwater presentation dependent on an extent of soil belongingss and hydro geographical gauges to work as usher in the security of the groundwater from corrupt ( Section 4 T ) . Water quality rules †these will mirror the most recent logical discernment on the undermentioned undertakings: ( a ) impacts of poisons on open wellbeing. organic decent variety. amphibian life. productiveness and stableness. remembering data for the elements affecting paces of eutrophication and paces of natural and inorganic store for changing kinds of conduits. bio-amassing of synthetic concoctions ; ( B ) focus and scattering of contaminations including obviously happening toxins in amazingly mineralized nations. through physical. synthetic and natural strategies ; contamination weight may other than be utilized together with the fixation system ; and ( degree Celsius ) great uses of the getting H2O natural structure ( Rule 19. 5 ) . Emanating models †signifies any legitimate confinement or limitation on measures. rates. and additionally fixations or any mix thereof. of physical. synthetic or natural parametric amounts of wastewater which an individual or point starting is permitted to dispatch into a natural structure of H2O or land ( Section 4 N ) . Strategies for attempting and examination of contaminations †the DENR will follow substitute universally perceived preliminary processs for attempting and investigation of poisons ( Rule 19. 7 ) . Accreditation arrangement of research labs †the DENR. in a joint effort with DOST. DTI. DOH. furthermore, other concerned agencies. the scholarly world. proficient affiliations. what's more, private division. will elucidate. keep up. also, pull off an arrangement of accreditation for look into labs ( Rule 19. 8 ) . Classs of point and non-point beginnings †the DENR will distribute and print rules on the ( a ) assignment and rating of the nature and degr ee of non-point beginnings of contamination ; and ( B ) forms. processs. furthermore, strategies to order contamination resulting at that place from ( Rule 19. 9 ) . Point starting methods any recognizable start of contamination with explicit purpose of release into an exceptional H2O natural structure ( Section 4 aa ) . Non-point starting †signifies any start of contamination non recognizable as point including. be that as it may, non be constrained to. flood from water system or water. which gets poisons from ranches and urban nations ( development 4 omega ) . Arrangement of groundwater beginnings †The Environmental Management Bureau ( EMB ) of DENR will compose with the NWRB and other applicable departments in the classification of groundwater beginnings. ( Rule 19. 10 ) . Arrangement and renaming of H2O natural structures †All H2O natural structures will be ordered fitting to their conceivable great use. taking into history. among. others. the undermentioned: ( a ) bing nature of the natural structure of H2O ; ( B ) size. profundity. surface nation secured. volume. way. pace of stream and angle waterway ; ( c ) most great existing and future use of said natural structures of H2O and grounds encompassing them. for example, for private. farming. water social. business. modern. navigational. recreational. untamed life safeguarding and tasteful goals ; and ( nutrient D ) introduction of surface and groundwater to corrupt from contaminated and dangerous squanders. rural synthetic concoctions and subterranean stockpiling reinforced b attle vehicles of unrefined petroleum stocks ( Rule 19. 11 ) Data and airing runs †these spread the impacts of H2O contamination on health and condition. H2O quality bearing. what's more, asset conservation and recuperation to advance a naturally activity situated society as a team with different specialists departments ( Section 19 N ) . On the different manus. the Local Government Units ( LGUs ) are mindful toward the path and improvement of H2O quality inside their regional legitimate forces. Every neighborhood specialists unit will. through its Environment and Natural Resources Office ( ENRO ) set up in Republic Act No. 7160. have the undermentioned powers and maps ( Section 20 ) : a ) Monitoring of H2O quality ; B ) Emergency reaction ;degree Celsius ) Conformity with the model of the Water Quality Management Action Plan ; nutrient D ) To take dynamic commitment in all endeavors refering H2O quality assurance and restoration ; and e ) To compose with different specialists departments and common society and the concerned areas in the execution of steps to hinder and order H2O contamination. Besides. the DENR and the LGUs. in a joint effort with the suitable specialists departments. What's more, in crowd with the worry and modern divisions including corporate greed. will explain proper instigations for the acknowledgment methods that will proceed and secure our H2O natural structures through the presentation of cutting edge hardware and procedures that chop down if entirely douse release of poisons into our H2O natural structures ( Section 21 ) . The Department and its concerned partnered agencies including the Laguna Lake Development Authority ( LLDA ) will sort out and come in into comprehension with different specialists agencies. modern part and other concerned divisions in the advancement of the points of this Act-The undermentioned departments will execute tile maps determined hereunder ( Section 22 ) : a ) Philippine Coast Guard in a joint effort with DA and the DENR will actualize for the requirement of H2O quality rules in marine Waterss. set as per this Act. explicitly from seaward
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Whats Truly Going on with Persuasive Essay Free Samples
What's Truly Going on with Persuasive Essay Free Samples Feel free to request adjustments if you feel any component of the paper fails to fulfill your expectations. In conclusion, it's clear that there would be quite a few positive gains for individual workers in the event the work week were shortened. As a consequence, you get a fantastic deal of free time and completed homework. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory over a specific age. There are dozens of essays it's possible to browse at A persuasive essay that is also known as an argumentative essay is a form of written document that's academic in nature. A good example essay will help it become feasible to analyze essay structure and outlines, along with writing and reference style. The greatest persuasive short essays often concentrate on controversial problems. So, you've been assigned with a persuasive essay but you don't have any idea what it appears like. For this reason, you should give because many information and information concerning the particular aspects you intend to discuss in your essay. First of all, you will need to choose the essay topic. The subsequent narrative essay examples will be able to help you begin writing your very own narrative essay. If you select a subject you enjoy, it is going to show in the outline. You may also gain from our on-line thesis statement examples and writing assistance if you have to finish your paper fast. It is possible to also learn to tie the numerous areas of the paper together to supply a cohesive reading. Don't hesitate to peruse through a number of the samples to obtain an idea about what your paper will look like if you decide to order from us. Should you need persuasive essay writing services for college then Students Assignment Help may be the ideal website to cater to your demands. Opt for a topic with which you're well informed. In our blog, you can discover general and specific writing tips about how to address academic papers. Make certain you find enough information sources, and be sure they're authoritative and dependable. Cite all info you use properly. Once you have decided on the subject, you have to look for sources of information. Before you begin with your research, make a list of all of the facts you know about this issue you've chosen. The Appeal of Persuasive Essay Free Samples Style essay falls under the class of lazy gossips. Books ought never to be banned. Every American should learn how to speak Spanish. He should learn to speak English. The Secret to Persuasive Essay Free Samples When compared to other kinds of literature out there, a persuasive college structure is distinguished by its effectiveness and concentrate on convincing the readers of a person's point of view. To fully grasp how women are portrayed as activists, it is crucial to have knowledge on the plot of the film. The issue with modern writing styles is that almost all authors do not appear to pay enough attention to readers' expectations. In general, there's a variety of good explanations for why you would rather not stay up the next time you really feel like working or studying at night. An excessive amount of money isn't a good thing. At times, the best method to learn and understand new information is by way of seeing and understanding work which is already completed. In case you had thought about using an illustration of a persuasive essay, then one of the very first things to be alert to is the chance of being caught for plagiarism. Following that, a top writer is going to be assigned to work on your purchase and produce top-notch content for your benefit. Women in the film are unwavering and prepared to provide their precious aid in a dire circumstance. Our mini guide on APA style essay can help you obtain understanding of the way the excellent bit of work should look like.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Judicial Review and Judicial Supremacy a Paradigm of...
JUDICIAL REVIEW AND JUDICIAL SUPREMACY: A PARADIGM OF CONSTITUTIONALISM IN NIGERIA. By A.T.Shehu, PhD( ABSTRACT This paper examines judicial review and judicial power in Nigeria under the 1999 Constitution in relation to the constitution itself and in relation to the political branches of government. This is essentially to locate where lays supremacy between the branches and the judiciary particularly the Supreme Court with its final appellate jurisdiction. Judicial review and supremacy of the judiciary had been of recurring academic discuss in some jurisdictions with written Constitutions, particularly the United States from where Nigeria largely borrowed its presidential constitutionalism. This thus suggests that there is a need to†¦show more content†¦They are thus not preclusive or exclusive to any particular race, tribe or nation. The question then arises as to where actually lay the supremacy8 among the organs of government that are created by the positive constitution. Is it also in the constitution that ascribes supremacy to itself or that the people themselves have vested wit h superiority?9 Superiority must be understood in its normative nature and therefore be categorized into two; that is political and legal. It is political if it does not have finality of authority and legal if it has finality of authority. This may for proper understanding be further characterized into general in the sense that it has the final authority and specific because its authority can be called to question by the overriding authority. This paper addresses these questions and others and argues that supremacy, especially legal and general, is a complex matter and can not be located in the Constitution alone or in any organ other than the judiciary that has the final authority as far as interpretation of the laws and the constitution is concerned. The Constitution is nothing, like any statute, but whatever the court makes of it by its (court) interpretation; whatever the court says the Constitution is; it is and nothing more. Although the judiciary is a creation of the constit ution and positively granted powers, which in the end transcend the constitution itself,10 it through its power of review or the interpretative
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nietzsches Concept of Eternal Recurrence - 1219 Words
Friedrich Nietzsche is a German philosopher who lived in 1844 to 1900, and his proposition on eternal recurrence was one of his most discussed works. The concept states that the world is eternally self – destroying, then self – creating, over time. He radicalizes the Christian concept of eternity and combines it with simple reasoning to come up with an innovative concept. This paper will discuss in detail what eternal recurrence is and the implications of such a concept on free spirits, and whether adopting such a belief will make a person’s life better or not. The paper will then proceed to offer a response to criticism on Nietzsche’s proposition. The text to be used is the second edition of ‘Existentialism: Basic Writings’ by Charles†¦show more content†¦For the paper to portray balance and respect to divergent opinions, it will offer an argument that counters the chosen position, and then offer a response to this counter argument. Upon completion of these, the paper will offer a conclusion that summarizes its contents and tie up all concepts presented. Eternal recurrence is a notion that states that the world is recurrent and will continue in such manner to form a self – similar and infinite time. It was founded in ancient Indian and Egyptian philosophy and was heavily employed by Nietzsche, who used it as a central faucet of his philosophy. If such a concept was indeed true, and man lived a constantly recurring life, then its adoption would result in a better life. This is because a person would try to maximize the number of good experience, as every pleasure – inducing experience will recur throughout (Guignon Pereboom 2001). When a person believes that the same experiences will recur in other lives, then one will want to ensure that most of these experiences are mostly gratifying, such that, through each recurrence, the person will continue experiencing the same pleasure. The free spirit will aim at engaging in activities that will result in a fulfilled life, meaning that a person will become more ambitious, moreShow MoreRelatedNietzsche s Views On The View Of Life Is Worth Living And An Outstanding Good Life1431 Words  | 6 Pagesin late modern western philosophy. His naturalistic perspective on the meaning of life states that the meaning of life is to be an overhuman which consist of strongly exercising the will of power. In his argument, the will of power refers to the concept of striving to overcome one’s limitation in life. To be more specific, one people will have the will of power to endeavor their problems and despite of the hardness, people still fight for the difficulties and overcome their limitations in their experiencesRead MoreFriedman Nietzsche1247 Words  | 5 PagesGerman philosopher. He believed in life, creativity, health, and the realities of the world we live in, rather than those situated in a world beyond. His key ideas were the deat h of god, perspectivism, the Ubermensch, the will to power, and the eternal recurrence. His philosophy was highly innovative and revolutionary but was also indebted to the pre-Socratic Greek thinker Heraclitus. Nietzsche frequently criticized Christianity in offensive and the most blasphemous ways possible. His views on moralityRead MoreDeterminism Between Free Will And Determinism Essay1383 Words  | 6 Pagesthe door leading outside Tommy’s lab. In the subtle placement of a cross overlaying Tommy’s most important decision as aforementioned, the film goes beyond its use simply as a symbol of death suggesting a religious stance on determinism where one’s eternal destiny is predetermined. The cross itself is present from the beginning as is the end result of Tommy’s choice, fixed in spite of causality. However, similar to the Christian perspective this is not an explicit denial of free will as the determinismRead MoreCare Theory Compare Contrast1602 Words  | 7 Pagesalso referred to as The Caring Model in the late 1970’s. Her theory evolved over many years, but the principles have remained the same: to combine human caring with the knowledge of sc ience. Jean Watson’s Care Theory Watson’s theory had four major concepts. She believed human beings are to be valued, respected, understood, nurtured, and cared for. Watson added three elements to the WHO definition of â€Å"health†: a patient will experience a high level of functioning, absence of illness, and can performRead MoreThus Spoke Zaratustra by Frederich Nietzche966 Words  | 4 PagesThe use of language is woven into such a dynamic doctrine in Thus Spoke Zarathustra that it speaks mountains of Nietzsche’s genius. The aspect of two voices speaking as one shows a grasp for the written word that few have accomplished. With metaphors abound and a deep understanding of literary masterpieces, Nietzsche portrays the world that we live in with such grace. The literal translation of the book takes a highly spiritual stance, but in between the lines there is such depth of knowledge andRead MoreEssay about Nietzsche, Kundera, and Shit2923 Words  | 12 PagesFriedrich Nietzsche saw him self surrounded by a world of human constructs. Humanity had become a herd, clinging to these concepts like cattle grazing at a favorite patch of grass. Individual identity struggled to exist. The morality of the mediocre reigned supreme. Nietzsche lived in a dead world. Milan Kundera lives in the world today. His world is dead much like Nietzsches. Denial is the focal point of society. Society assimilates difference and denies what cannot be assimilated. In his novelRead Moreâ€Å"How Happy Is The Blameless Vestal’S Lot. The World Forgetting,1371 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray’r accepted, and each wish resign’d.†The quote stated above by Alexander Pope in simple term is highlighting that idea â€Å"Ignorance is bliss†. Vestal refers to a Roman goddess or a virgin priestess. He is stating their fate; being virgins in a temple is a happy one (not having sex or keeping away from any form of corruption); who devote their life to God cutting offRead MoreNietzsches Revaluation of All Values2314 Words  | 10 PagesNietzsches Revaluation of All Values In the nineteenth century, popular philosophy - particularly the Hegelian dialectic - professed that mankind was developing in an upward direction, becoming more angelic as it were. Mans moral laws were more advanced, as support for democracy and equal rights were beginning to become popular. However, Friedrich Nietzsche believed that mankind was entering a downward spiral towards complete decadence. Modern man, with its advanced morality, was, in truth,Read MoreEssay about Dostoevsky and Nietzsches Overman2123 Words  | 9 PagesDostoevsky and Nietzsches Overman     The definition of à ¼bermensch, or overman, in Barrons Concise Students Encyclopedia makes anyone who has read Nietzsches Zarathustra - even aphoristically, as I tried to do at first - cringe. Barrons Encyclopedia defines an overman as someone who has his act together and gets things done. Of course, considering that this is a summary of one part of Nietzsches ideas, and that the encyclopedia reduces his entire philosophy to one short paragraphRead More Philosophy and Religion - Are they Compatible? Essay3652 Words  | 15 Pageslife or vitality. Friedrich Nietzsche uses this phrase to make a point, to define an event, which signifies the last mans life as pathetic. Perhaps we realize that God is not dead; perhaps our belief in God is so sure, that even contemplating Nietzsches ideas appalls us. The truth is, his ideas make us think. They make us contemplate our beliefs and our mentality. I suggest that Nietzsche has a point; we must discover the role of religion in our lives. Does it draw us to act as one of the herd
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gifted Hands Essay Example For Students
Gifted Hands Essay A boy who was named Ahmed Zewail was born February 26, 1946 in Damanhur, the City of Horus, only 60 km from Alexandria. He lived a good childhood in the City of Disuq, which is the home of the famous mosque, Sidi Ibrahim. He was the only son in a family of three sisters and two loving parents. His father was liked and respected by the community because he was helpful, cheerful and very much enjoyed his life. He worked for the government and also had his own business. His mother was a good natured person and devoted all her life to her children, mainly to Ahmed. His familys dream was to see him receive a high degree and return home to become a university professor. On the door to his study room, a sign was placed reading, Dr. Ahmed, even though he was still in grade school and far from becoming a doctor. His father lived to see that day, but his uncle Rizk did not. Uncle Rizk was special to his boyhood years and he learned much from him. He appreciated him for critical analyses, an enjoyment of music and of letting him meet with the famous scholars that he had knew. He was respected for his wisdom. Ahmeds interests were in reading, music, some sports and playing backgammon. But as a young boy it was clear that his interests were in the physical sciences. Mathematics, mechanics, and chemistry were some of the fields that gave him lots of interest and. After finishing high school Ahmed applied to many universities. He was admitted to the faculty of science at Alexandria University and felt the greatness of the university. His grades through out the next few years flourished. They flourished in courses like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geology. His grades were either excellent or very good. In his second year he scored very highly in Chemistry and was chosen for a group of seven students called special chemistry, an elite science group. He graduated with the highest honors, with above 90% in all areas of chemistry. After graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Science, he was appointed to a University position as a demonstrator to carry on research toward a Masters and then a Ph. D. degree. Ahmed Zewail who is currently the Linus Pauling Chair Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Physics, and the director of the NSF Laboratory for Molecular Sciences (LMS) at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. He was awarded in the category of Chemistry for his new developments in the field of femotoscience. He made it possible to observe the movement of the individual atoms in a femotosecond. A femotosecond is a split second that is a millionth of a billionth of a second. This brilliant development which changed our view of the dynamics of matter holds great promise in the areas of technology and life sciences. His current research interests include the biological sciences, the complexity of molecular function and the new development of ultrafast diffraction for the imaging of transient structure in space and time with atomic-scale resolution. Professor Ahmed Zewail who was educated in Egypt, received his B. S. and M. S. at Alexandria University, and received his Ph. D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He has honorary degrees in sciences, arts, philosophy, law and medicine from many universities and institutions from around the world. Including the U. S. A. , England, Switzerland, Egypt, Belgium, Australia, Canada, India, Italy, Scotland, Korea, Sweden and France. He is an elected member of national and international academies and societies, including the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the American Academy of Achievement, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the European Academy of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities, the Royal Society of London, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b , .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b .postImageUrl , .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b , .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b:hover , .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b:visited , .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b:active { border:0!important; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b:active , .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u820fe3399631817717de3abaac4a2b3b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Confucianism EssayProfessor Ahmed Zewail holds more than 100 prizes and awards such as: the Robert A. Welch Prize, Wolf Prize, King Faisal Prize, Benjamin Franklin Medal, Peter Debye Award, and the E. O. Lawrence Award. From Egypt he received the Order of the Grand Collar of the Nile, the highest state honor, and postage stamps were issued to honor his contributions to science and humanity.
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